Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The First Day in Swaziland

So today, being our first day in Swaziland, we decided to take a hike in the mountains near our house. This place is gorgeous. Every view looks like something out of a storybook.

There are all kinds of interesting plants here, this one in particular was my favorite.

There are cow fences all throughout the mountains in Swaziland. Cows just roam around wherever they please, so fences are put up to limit them a bit. Oh, and cows apparently aren't afraid of highway traffic.

We even made a new friend!


  1. That view is amazing! nice pictures:)

  2. Hi Alex. This is Amanda here. Love your blog and love you, hehehe (:

  3. First off I would like to say this blog is a super idea. Second, I want a rock from Swazi. Third, the cactus picture is focused like perfectly and I adore it. :) That is all.

  4. Rachel, she knows u want a rock. she might give u that heart-shaped one in the picture if u ask for it!

  5. Outstanding. In many wasy I'll bet your much happier where you are than being in D.C. It's a great thing your doing Steve ... be well, come home well too!

  6. I love the idea of the blog. I can't wait to experience your adventures vicariously!
    Stay safe and God bless.

  7. Pictures are beautiful. What kind of camera are you using?

  8. @Pretty Girl Free I'm using a Canon EOS Rebel T3. It takes great pictures and is super easy to use. I would really recommend it.

    @Ozie Davis III Thanks Ozie! Miss you!
