Monday, August 29, 2011

Umhlanga- The Reed Dance

The Reed Dance, or Umhlanga in siSwati, is a traditional eight day ceremony in Swaziland in which all the maidens from around the country cut reeds to present to the Queen Mother. On the seventh day, all of the girls dress in traditional clothing and dance before the king. This year, nearly 60,000 maidens participated in the festivities.
For more information on the Reed Dance, check out this website.

Before the actual dancing began, people gathered in the field surrounding the stadium. We got the chance to talk to many people, including Peace Corps volunteers, many Swazis attending the ceremony, and even some of the young girls who were participating.

After this photo was taken, all the girls flocked around my camera to see the picture. They were very excited.

This is Sharon and her sister, Michelle. They really enjoyed hanging out with us,  and Michelle especially enjoyed having her picture taken.

During the ceremony, we caught a glimpse of the King who was seated with the Queen Mother, as well as his fourteen wives.
This is King Mswati III and the Queen Mother to his right.


  1. I love your blog, Alex! & I miss you already. :( This is seriously like a once in a lifetime experience, it's just so crazy. I love you!

  2. I miss u clare! the clothes look awesome on you! ;D Miss u soo soo soo much! hope you meet new friends (and i hope they aren't better then us back home! haha)!!!!! School started, and we are looking at maps, and i saw where you live! its awesome! MISS YOU! -margaret

  3. haha miss u too margaret! and friends cant get better than u!

  4. Your mom told me about your blog, Alex. (I taught with her at SNA) Thanks for posting your pictures of your adventures. It's so interesting to me!

  5. Happy 16th Birthday Alex! Miss you :)

  6. Alex, when r u gonna post the pictures from the safari?
